Materials Chemistry Research Center (MCRC)


Materials Chemistry Research Center (MCRC)



The Materials Chemistry Research Center (MCRC) of Khon Kaen University was established in 2012 and is devoted to excellence in the chemistry of materials. This one of a kind research center brings together researchers specializing in the material synthesis, the modification and functionalization of materials and also their application in a vast cross section of industry. The center houses 29 academic researchers and 15 full-time research assistants. In addition, 6 Ph.D. and 29 M.Sc. students are conducting their studies under supervision of the center’s staff.

          The research of the MCRC focusses on four main areas: (1) Molecular functional materials. (2) Polymers and organic-inorganic hybrid materials. (3) Modified inorganic materials aiming at developing new and novel functional materials for various applications including; adsorption and separation, catalysis, chemical and biological sensors, analytical uses in food and environment, biological activities, and materials for magnetic, dielectric and magnetoelectric applications. (4) The development and application of green and sustainable materials that meet the needs of circular economies and a modern industry. The development of research methodologies and new synthetic methods, along with a deep understanding of functional properties are crucial to acquire the well-designed materials suitably serving for particular applications.

          Another key goal of the MCRC is to build strong research networks among the senior investigators, young researchers and graduate students associated with MCRC and also beyond through national and international collaborations.   Such research links aim to strengthen and promote the research-based knowledge in materials chemistry.